#ifndef CBMECALANALYSISNEUTRON_H #define CBMECALANALYSISNEUTRON_H #include "FairTask.h" #include "TString.h" #include class TTree; class TClonesArray; class CbmEcalStructure; class CbmEcalAnalysisNeutron : public FairTask { public: CbmEcalAnalysisNeutron(const char* name, const Int_t iVerbose=0); public: /** Default constructor **/ CbmEcalAnalysisNeutron(); /** Initing routine **/ virtual InitStatus Init(); /** Loop procedure **/ virtual void Exec(Option_t* option); /** Finishing routine **/ virtual void Finish(); /** Destructor **/ virtual ~CbmEcalAnalysisNeutron() {}; private: /** Initialize a tree **/ void InitTree(); /** Out tree **/ TTree* fTree; //! /** Number of found particles in this event **/ Int_t fEntries; /** Number of particle in event **/ Int_t fN; /** Event number **/ Int_t fEvent; /** Information about first particle **/ Double_t fE; Double_t fPx; Double_t fPy; Double_t fPz; Double_t fX; Double_t fY; Int_t fCellType; Int_t fDiffType; Double_t fM3; Double_t fMx3; Double_t fMy3; Double_t fChi2; Double_t fM; Double_t fMx; Double_t fMy; Int_t fPdg; Int_t fMaxs; /** An array of reconstructed particles **/ TClonesArray* fReco; /** MC tracks array **/ TClonesArray* fMC; /** An array of clusters **/ TClonesArray* fClusters; /** A calorimeter structure **/ CbmEcalStructure* fStr; CbmEcalAnalysisNeutron(const CbmEcalAnalysisNeutron&); CbmEcalAnalysisNeutron& operator=(const CbmEcalAnalysisNeutron&); ClassDef(CbmEcalAnalysisNeutron,1) }; #endif