// Configuration macro for Geane VirtualMC void Config() { gMC3= new TGeant3TGeo("C++ Interface to Geant3"); cout << "-I- G3Config: Geant3 with TGeo has been created for Geane." << endl; // create Cbm Specific Stack CbmStack *st = new CbmStack(10); gMC3->SetStack( st ) ; // ******* GEANEconfiguration for simulated Runs ******* gMC3->SetDEBU(0, 0, 1); gMC3->SetSWIT(4, 10); gMC3->SetDCAY(0); gMC3->SetPAIR(0); gMC3->SetCOMP(0); gMC3->SetPHOT(0); gMC3->SetPFIS(0); gMC3->SetDRAY(0); gMC3->SetANNI(0); gMC3->SetBREM(1); gMC3->SetMUNU(0); gMC3->SetCKOV(0); gMC3->SetHADR(0); //Select pure GEANH (HADR 1) or GEANH/NUCRIN (HADR 3)//4 fluka 5 gcalor gMC3->SetLOSS(4); gMC3->SetMULS(1); //1=Moliere,3=Gaussian gMC3->SetRAYL(0); gMC3->SetSTRA(0); gMC3->SetAUTO(1); //Select automatic STMIN etc... calc. (AUTO 1) or manual (AUTO 0) gMC3->SetABAN(0); //Restore 3.16 behaviour for abandoned tracks gMC3->SetOPTI(0); //Select optimisation level for GEANT geometry searches (0,1,2) gMC3->SetERAN(5.e-7); // -------->>>>> PAY ATTENTION!!!!! // For a correct use of GEANE, you MUST use the cuts as set below!!! // i.e. Since GEANE is tracking only the primary particle, DCUTE, DCUTM, BCUTE and BCUTM must be put // at very high values (10 TeV) in order to calculate properly the energy loss. // For a more complete explanation of the chosen values, refer to GEANT manual Float_t cut = 1.e-3; // 1 MeV cut by default Float_t cutd = 1.e4 ; // 10 TeV - Threshold for delta-rays Float_t cutb = cutd; // 10 TeV - Cut for bremsstrahlung Float_t tofmax = 1.e10; // seconds Float_t usrcuts[5] = {0.,0.,0.,0.,0.}; // usercuts Float_t gcalpha = 0.999; // Optimal value for alpha cout<<"Energy straggling area parameter from user set to: "<SetCUTS(cut, // CUTGAM = gammas cut, // CUTELE = electrons cut, // CUTNEU = neutral hadrons cut, // CUTHAD = charged hadrons cut, // CUTMUO = muons cutb, // BCUTE = electron bremsstrahlung cutb, // BCUTM = muon bremsstrahlung cutd, // DCUTE = delta rays by electrons cutd, // DCUTM = delta rays by muons cutb, // PPCUTM = pair production by muons tofmax, // TOFMAX = time of flight cut usrcuts); gMC3->SetECut(gcalpha); }