//------------------------------------------------------------------------- //----- CbmFitGlobalTracksQa ----- //----- Created 07/03/06 by D. Kresan ----- //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef CBMFITGLOBALTRACKSQA #define CBMFITGLOBALTRACKSQA #include "FairTask.h" class TClonesArray; class TH1F; class CbmFitGlobalTracksQa : public FairTask { private: TClonesArray *fArrayStsPoint; // STS points TClonesArray *fArrayTrdPoint; // TRD points TClonesArray *fArrayStsHit; // STS hits TClonesArray *fArrayTrdHit; // TRD hits TClonesArray *fArrayStsTrack; // STS tracks TClonesArray *fArrayTrdTrack; // TRD tracks TClonesArray *fArrayGlbTrack; // Global tracks Int_t fEvents; // Number of events processed TH1F *fh_first_resx; // X resolution at first plane TH1F *fh_first_resy; // Y resolution at first plane TH1F *fh_first_restx; // Tx resolution at first plane TH1F *fh_first_resty; // Ty resolution at first plane TH1F *fh_first_resz; // Z resolution at first plane TH1F *fh_last_resx; // X resolution at last plane TH1F *fh_last_resy; // Y resolution at last plane TH1F *fh_last_restx; // Tx resolution at last plane TH1F *fh_last_resty; // Ty resolution at last plane TH1F *fh_last_resz; // Z resolution at last plane TH1F *fh_first_pullx; // X pull at first plane TH1F *fh_first_pully; // Y pull at first plane TH1F *fh_first_pulltx; // Tx pull at first plane TH1F *fh_first_pullty; // Ty pull at first plane TH1F *fh_last_pullx; // X pull at last plane TH1F *fh_last_pully; // Y pull at last plane TH1F *fh_last_pulltx; // Tx pull at last plane TH1F *fh_last_pullty; // Ty pull at last plane TH1F *fh_chi2ndf; // Chi2/NDF of fitted tracks void CreateHistogramms(); CbmFitGlobalTracksQa(const CbmFitGlobalTracksQa&); CbmFitGlobalTracksQa& operator=(const CbmFitGlobalTracksQa&); public: CbmFitGlobalTracksQa(); CbmFitGlobalTracksQa(const char* name, Int_t verbose = 1); virtual ~CbmFitGlobalTracksQa(); virtual InitStatus Init(); virtual void Exec(Option_t* option = ""); virtual void Finish(); void WriteHistogramms(); ClassDef(CbmFitGlobalTracksQa, 1); }; #endif