13.03.08 -------- 1. New Flags for simulation (can be set from macro): SetPythiaDecayer(Bool_t decayer) : /**switch On/Off external decayer (Pythia) */ SetUserDecay(Bool_t decay) : /**switch On/Off user defined decay. If true gconfig/UserDecay.C macro will be called */ SetRadLenRegister(Bool_t value) : /** switch on/off the radiatin length register module*/ 2. New mode for fast simulation: in a simulation macro setting this flag will prevent the transport in Geant3/4 a primGen->DoTracking(kFALSE); transport is parametrized via tasks (see pandaroot/fsim) 3. New variable GEOMPATH setting this variable, the framework will look for the detector geometry specified in detector ctor first in this path and then in the input directory (pandaroot/geometry or cbmroot/geometry) 19.03.08 -------- 1. new method FairMCApplication::AddIons() addition of ions and particls has been sperated in Geant4 VMC 02.04.08 -------- 1. Move ConstructRootGeometry to FairModule 2. Read TGeoVolumes or TGeoManager from root files 15.05.08 -------- 1. Geane, trackbase and eventdisplay are moved to the external directories in SVN 2. Time stamps are now implimented in CbmPrimeryGenerator and FairMCEventHeader to set the time for event one should call: primGen->SetEventTimeInterval ( minTime, maxTime) ; the event time will be a random number between minTime and maxTime in nano secounds, it will also be added for each event, i.e: each event will have the time of all previous events+ its own one! 3. SetEventMeanTime(Double_t) to the FairPrimaryGenerator, setting this value will create a TF1 function: TF1 *f1 = TF1("f1", "1/meanTime * Exp (-t/meanTime)", 0, meanTime*10 ) Then the event time is taken randomly from this distribution (f1->GetRandom()) and will be added for each event! //TODO// PandaRoot: Change pnddata->PandaBase Run more macros nightly